Beyond Asana Recording – March 2023


Yoga : Beyond Asana Video Recordings and PDF Notes from March 2023 – Finding Balance through the Mahā-Bhūta : The Five Elements

This purchase is for the video recording of the Beyond Asana Monthly online class for Yoga Teachers and Experienced Yoga Students from March 2023: Finding Balance through the Mahā-Bhūta. Once you have completed your purchase, you will receive a PDF file which contains all the notes, practices and discussions from the session, plus a link to the video recordings. Please make sure you enter the correct email address. If you have any problems, please get in touch with me.



Philosophy: Exploring the Pancha Tattwas/Five Elements and how they show up for you in your life. What elemental personality are you?

Pranayama/Meditation: Pancha Tattwa Prāṇāyāma Maṇḍala Meditation - the full Tattwa practice

Teaching : Discussion on how to incorporate the Tattwas into your classes and workshops.


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