Pancha Kosha On Demand Training


Pancha Kosha On Demand Training

Video and PDF downloads for inspiring and creative ways to integrate the Pancha Kosha into your Yoga Practice & Lesson Plans.


Exploring the Five Sheaths in Creative Ways to Develop Lesson Plans - On Demand CPD Training for Yoga Teachers

This on demand training is recorded from a live CPD Day. It includes 6 videos and a comprehensive 30 page PDF booklet. The content explores the Pancha Kosha in more detail, looking at the ancient texts that brought them to life, and also finding unique and creative ways of developing lesson plans around the theme of the Five Sheaths.

What you will Learn

  • In-depth understanding of the Pancha Kosha
  • How each sheath expresses itself
  • How to build a term’s worth of lesson plans around this theme
  • Creative ways of working with asana, pranayama, meditation, mantra and yoga nidra
  • New and interesting techniques to add to your skill set

This training is useful for Yoga Teachers, Student Teachers and Yoga Students who want to understand the concept of the Five Sheaths and find inspiring ways to work with them.


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